Are You Alright? 歌词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:19:38

Are You Alright? 歌词
Are You Alright? 歌词

Are You Alright? 歌词
歌曲名:Are You Alright?
歌手:Lucinda Williams
Artist/Band:Williams Lucinda
Lyrics for Song:Are You Alright?
Lyrics for Album:West & Shanglin117重新制作送给ALLAY
Are you alright?你还好吗?
All the sudden you went away.因为所有的一切都好像跟你一起走了
Are you alright?你还好吗?
I hope you come back around someday.我希望你能回来哪怕只有几天
Are you alright?你还好吗?
I haven\'t seen you in a real long time.因为我已经有很长的一段时间没有见到你了
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Could you give me some kind of sign.你能给我一些有关你的信息吗?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
I looked around me and you were gone.因为你已经走了,空荡荡的房间里只剩下我一个人
Are you alright?你还好吗?
I feel like there must be something wrong.我感觉到身边的所有的一切都不对劲了
Are you alright?你还好吗?
\'Cause it seems like you disappeared.因为你就好像消失了一样
Are you alright?你还好吗?
\'Cause I been feeling a little scared.因为我感觉有点害怕
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?
Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?
Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?
Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?
Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Is there something been bothering you?有什么困扰你的事吗?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
I wish you\'d give me a little clue.你能给我一些有关你的信索吗
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Is there something you wanna say?有什么你想说的事吗
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Just tell me that you\'re okay.只要告诉我你一切都好就行
Are you alright?你还好吗?
\'Cause you took off without a word.因为你离开了的时候没有给我留下一句话
Are you alright?你还好吗?
You flew away like a little bird.你就像一只小鸟一样飞走了
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Is there anything I can do?有什么我能为你做的吗
Are you alright?你还好吗?
\'Cause I need to hear from you.因为我只想听到你的声音
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?
Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?
Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?
Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?
Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
Are you alright?你还好吗?
……allay……I'm sorry
To YY:it\'s good to see you again...HH再一次见到你我很高兴