如果有语法错误的话帮我纠正一下好吗?today the point of my speech is my dream.as we all know,the dream is indisponsable to life.but,what do you think of dream?i think dream is worth the effort to win things.everyone has their own dream

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:08:48

如果有语法错误的话帮我纠正一下好吗?today the point of my speech is my dream.as we all know,the dream is indisponsable to life.but,what do you think of dream?i think dream is worth the effort to win things.everyone has their own dream
today the point of my speech is my dream.as we all know,the dream is indisponsable to life.but,what do you think of dream?i think dream is worth the effort to win things.everyone has their own dream.maybe someone want to be a doctor,someone want to be a teacher or a business.similarty,i also have a dream:to be a cartoonist.maybe you will ask me:why?what I want to say is there is a world in comic.every one will have their own small world.and I hope to share my passion and my world to others.drawing anime is a very happy thing for me.i don't want to be excited about dreams with you standing here.because I know the road of dream can't let us sing songs.on the country,there's no such thing as a free lunch.if you want to achieve the goal must be to learn to give.nothing can be done easily.so I am going to continue trying and I believe I can realize my dream.this is what I want I want to share with you.thank you for your listening.

如果有语法错误的话帮我纠正一下好吗?today the point of my speech is my dream.as we all know,the dream is indisponsable to life.but,what do you think of dream?i think dream is worth the effort to win things.everyone has their own dream
第一句话,如果是你题目,用Topic.Today the topic of-- 第二句用plural 和past tense.I think dreams are worth-- 后面用achieve比较好.I think dreams are worth the effort to achieve.Maybe someone want to be a doctor 不能用someone.你是在和大家说话,所以可以改成maybe some of you want to -- 第二个加个or,因为你已经在指大家了,就可以在详细点,Maybe some of you want to be a doctor,or some might want to be a teacher.
你可以在I also have a dream 这强调下.
I also have a dream:to be a cartoonist 你可以选择用逗号,或者直接写I also have a dream,which is to be a cartoonist--
i don't want to be excited about dreams with you standing here改成I dont want to be excited about dreams while standing here--- 语法问题.
后面的on the country 改成 in this country,如果你的意思是 "在这个国家里"
我没懂你这句 I know the road of dream cant let us sing songs
后面改成If you want to achieve the goal,you must learn to give 比较顺.
如果我改的话,If you want to acomplish your goal,you must act and plan.
面的I believe I can realize my dream.要改!←不成句+没懂你意思
最后面的so I am going to 改成 thus,i will--- 因为是你以后会怎么怎么样.

如果有语法错误的话帮我纠正一下好吗?today the point of my speech is my dream.as we all know,the dream is indisponsable to life.but,what do you think of dream?i think dream is worth the effort to win things.everyone has their own dream to stay or to leave,it's a problem.有语法错误吗我想说的意思是留下或离开这是一个问题.有语法错误吗?完整名字的再纠正一下 写出来看一下好吗 请问这句话有语法错误吗?有的话请帮我改正一下谢谢!Somebody who make me to be isolated .那些排斥我的人. 帮我看下这句话有语法错误吗,有的话改一下Looking for a boyfriend who Has the potential to be a lovely grandpa I want to marry to be to you 请帮我看一下 这一句有语法错误吗 如果有 应该如何改正 大家帮我看看这句英语对不对with the title retired.如果不对的话请帮我纠正一下,谢谢(原意为“带着头衔退役”) 能帮我看看这篇英语作文有语法错误吗?如果有的话,麻烦帮我找出来, 谁帮我看看下面这段文字有没有语法错误?帮我纠正一下,修改得更通顺一些.dear teacher:I am very glad to talk with you,I have a question to ask,in spite of the question may be improper,So,you have the right to refuse to answe 我写得对吗?不对的话,请帮我纠正一下! 我写得对吗?不对的话,请帮我纠正一下! too hot to live有语法错误吗?帮我翻译一下! 帮我找出这两篇英语作文有没有语法错误如果有,帮我纠正.My National Day's planNational Day is coming.Here's my National Day 's Plan.I will have a visit to Beijing for five days.Then I will go to the Great Wall take Photos,and i w He gets to school take a bus.这句话有没有语法错误,如果没有那么take为什么不用加ing,请帮我分析一下句子结构, good habits means to our are benefit这句话有语法错误吗?有的话请帮我改下, another 前面如果加冠词的话加 a 还是 an ? 麻烦您帮我解答一下好吗?谢谢! 请帮我看一下这篇文章有语法错误么 帮忙顺一下,顺便帮修改下语法错误(如果有的话),谢谢.---------------------------------This is an illustration of my family broken series topic.The boy hates his parents because of their divorce. Both of them did not want to take To succeed until I can to realize这句话有没有什么语法错误?还有纠正后能帮我翻译以下吗?