attention!算的我吐血这个该怎么算啊!方法是对的么?我也这么觉得.算出来没意思 不过这是我们的作业啊.我算不来了 = =

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:28:23

attention!算的我吐血这个该怎么算啊!方法是对的么?我也这么觉得.算出来没意思 不过这是我们的作业啊.我算不来了 = =
我也这么觉得.算出来没意思  不过这是我们的作业啊.我算不来了 = =

attention!算的我吐血这个该怎么算啊!方法是对的么?我也这么觉得.算出来没意思 不过这是我们的作业啊.我算不来了 = =
I`m afraid the answer is not corret, how ever, your functions sound reasonable.
The problem should be the steps of calculation. According to your derivation of the distance between earth and moon :
T^2 should be substituted as (30*24*36000)^2, instead of 30*24*36000, where the square (^2) is forgotten.
Please try again by using 30*24*36000)^2, you may probablely get the right answer.
Good luck