
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 00:44:56


Low lying west to east as a percentage share of the total land area of the country, all kinds of terrain: mountain about 33%, a plateau of about 26%, about 19% of basin plains about 12%, about 10% of hilly mountains, hills and plateauthe combined proportion of 2/3. With the rapid pace of urbanization forward at the same time, the urban population is increasing the demand for housing is increasing year by year, and and therefore blocks of high-rise buildings in the western region in China where they stand on the slope. However, China is in an earthquake-prone belt, earthquake-prone, unpredictable nature and its powerful destructive force caused numerous slope accident, but also destroyed a lot of buildings and structures, so research sloping building structures in earthquake the response is very necessary


Chinese low-lying West High East, all kinds of terrain as a percentage of the total land area is about 33%: mountain, plateau about 26%, approximately 19% of the basin, plain about 12%, about 10% of w...


Chinese low-lying West High East, all kinds of terrain as a percentage of the total land area is about 33%: mountain, plateau about 26%, approximately 19% of the basin, plain about 12%, about 10% of which add up to hill, mountains, hills and plateau area proportion reached 2\/3. At the same time, with the rapid development of urbanization, the urban population is increasing year by year grow with each passing day, the demand for housing, so in a many-storied buildings in western area of China began to rise in the slopes. However, our country is in the earthquake-prone zone, earthquake frequent, unpredictable and devastating force caused the slope accident many, also destroyed many buildings and structures, so the study on response of structure under earthquake action is very necessary


情帮忙将下面一段文字翻译成英文的中国地势西高东低,各类地形占全国陆地总面积的百分比是:山地约33%,高原约26%,盆地约19%,平原约12%,丘陵约10%,其中山地、丘陵和高原地区加起来的比重就 帮忙将下面的句子翻译成英文:鸡蛋里挑骨头. 英语翻译把一段文字翻译成英文 请将下面一段话翻译成英文“中国农村劳动力转移问题的探讨” 将下面一段话翻译成英文,不要翻译机的谢谢. 有什么可以将文字翻译成英文的软件. 帮忙将下面的句子翻译成英语:己所不欲勿施于人 英语翻译将下面题目和一段文字翻译成英文还有个题目:基层篮球比赛信息管理系统的设计与开发该篮球比赛信息管理系统是一种建立在计算机数据库技术之上的,方便裁判员管理运动队中各 将下面得句子翻译成英文 愿这是一段不悔的爱情 再见 我最爱的人 将“你习惯中国的生活吗?”翻译成英文 帮忙将“滨江电缆”翻译成英文, 帮忙将“真善美缝纫机”翻译成英文? 求助帮忙翻译成英文,我没有钱,谢谢!请帮忙将下面这段文字翻译成英文,谢谢: 国际重要湿地--大山包一、大山包湿地基本情况:位于滇东北昭通市昭阳区大山包镇的大山包湿地,总面积5958公 将下面的汉语翻译成英文:梦 水晶 英语翻译帮忙将中文地址翻译成英文的好吗谢谢中国 北京市朝阳区劲松二区**楼**单元**号邮编100021 帮忙将下面句子翻译成英文:学会情绪控制是我们顺利展开工作非常重要的技能. 有没有谁能帮忙把下面一段中文翻译成英文(请不要机译),谢了!美国的地势得天独厚:南枕北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南靠墨西哥及墨西哥湾.全境由东向西可分为5个地理 怎么快速的把一段文字快速的翻译成英文.