
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:18:04


When it comes to risks,no matter at home or abroad,there is still no definations from authorities.Usually people take risks as some opportunities or chances of harming that they may suffered;or they may think risks are the various results and every possibility that people can expect before doing something.For project evaluation,risks are results that expected outcoming comes across with some unfavorable factors.The management of risk is the identification and assessment of the protential unexpected damages that people make and what they do according to the circumstances.In this way people can reduce unexpected damages as much as possible,get the risks resolved and assure the achievement of the goal.Risk management can be generally devided into risk identification,risk assessment,risk response and risk control.These four parts form an organic entirety all the way through the risk management.

About the risk, domestic and foreign still has not given until now an authority definition, usually, the people regard as the risk are suffer the danger, to lose either the injury possibility or the o...


About the risk, domestic and foreign still has not given until now an authority definition, usually, the people regard as the risk are suffer the danger, to lose either the injury possibility or the opportunity; Either regards as the risk is the people can estimate that beforehand takes some kind of action possibly to have the possibility which all or good or bad results and each result appear. In view of the itemized appraisal, the risk is refers to the anticipated result to present the result which the disadvantage factor creates. The risk management is the people carries on the recognition, the appraisal to the latent windfall loss, and takes the corresponding processing measure according to the special details, thus reduces the windfall loss or the melt risk as far as possible and guaranteed that the goal realizes. The risk management process may divide into the risk recognition, the risk assessment, the risk generally to deal with the risk monitoring, these four parts form an organic whole penetration in the risk management entire process.


英语翻译关于风险,国内外至今仍没给出一个权威性的定义,通常,人们把风险看作是遭受危险、受损失或伤害的可能性或机会;或把风险看作是人们事先能够预计采取某种行动可能发生的所有或 英语翻译求翻译下列文字~谢绝翻译器翻译~需翻译内容如下:关于上市公司股权结构与公司绩效相关性研究,一直是国内外学术界研究的热点和难点问题,国内外的理论研究与实证研究至今仍未 英语翻译 林肯至今仍被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一.(be regarded as ) 英语翻译风险筹资 风险投资 风险防范 英语翻译”风险预留空间” ( )火星环境和地球相似,( )后来火星表面上的水没有留住,( )至今仍没发现生命 最近国内外的大事(2012年至今)的 英语翻译第三方物流的风险及规避分析 我没分数了 马克思主义至今仍有生命力的理由 英国至今王位仍世袭吗? 英国至今王位仍世袭吗? 关于贷款问题,希望大家有熟悉的朋友帮忙讲解下.我一个朋友是做生意的,属于他自己门市就有两个,拿其中一个门市来贷款搞投资,投资风险是跟他工地上的朋友一起投资,投资小,没风险的,一 英语翻译啊:一直想约你出去打篮球的,却至今没能实现 请问一个关于概率的图,有没有人能看懂?如下图,第一张图的风险概率是3.03/5,第二张图是2.44/5。从第一张到第二张降低了风险20%。请问这个是怎么算的?我看不懂这个图, 我想请问的是3.0 英语翻译本论文以厘清交易风险的特点和诱因为基础,以国内外的研究成果和立法经验为借鉴,以我国证券市场的发展进程与需要为出发点. 英语翻译或者给出一个正确的翻译. 英语翻译:成功开发十余个经销商,至今仍与公司进行稳定的合作; 解决区域价格调整、NBA新品上市、主导品项培育等市场管理工作; 求电影方面的英语翻译~~关于翻译标准的争论,由来已久.其中至今仍引起人们极大争论的莫过于近代著名翻译家严复提出的“信、达、雅”的标准.“信”是对原文而言,要求译者正确理解原文,