
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 12:42:13


As the host says ,it is a difficult thing for the parents to bring up the children .So as the children ,we should understand and care more about our parents.

Just as what the host said, it was not an easy thing for parents to look after sons and daughters. As their children, we should consider and care more about our parents.

As the compere said just now, it is really a hard thing for our parents to bring us up ,so as children,we should be more considerate and care more about our parents.

Just as the host said,it is not easy for parents to bring up their children.In that case,as their children,we shoud understand and care more about our parents.

as the presidersaid it's not easyforparents to take care of children As children we should understand and care them more

英语翻译正如主持人所说,父母照顾儿女不是件容易的事.作为子女,我们应该更多的体谅和关心我们的父母. 父母老是打牌,做儿女的有权利说父母吗?他们说不管你的事,老了也不需要儿女去打理的,他们有钱自己请人照顾,我很无语的,为什么还会有那么多的父母说儿女不照顾他们,说儿女不孝,我现在 英语翻译礼貌的文化特征差异是不同文化价值观差异的反映.礼貌的文化差异主要表现在:1.正如第三点上文所说,中国人认为用于称谓的词都要体现的词都要体现敬意,这样才能充分照顾到对 父母眼中的儿女 父母对我们的爱比天还高,比海还深.我们做儿女的怎能报答父母的恩情呢?也正如诗句是诗句 英文翻译:正如那句谚语所说 翻译 正如有句名言所说 孝敬父母是中华民族的美德,《三字经》中有这样描述:”______,_____”孝于亲 所当执.作为儿女,我们要懂得感恩,正如《游子吟》中所说:”_______” 英语翻译(1)我应该让我的父母以我为傲:I should _my parents ___(四个空) (2)什么使你想出这样好的主意?__you _a good (四个空) (3)正如你刚刚所说,我寻找或收购没人要的自 父母说儿女没有隐私权 儿女升学父母演讲词 英语翻译好教徒好父母好儿女好妻子好丈夫好不要用good 英语翻译1.他们像照顾自己的父母一样照顾李华的父母.2.15年的时间,他们付出不求回报 英语翻译,父母们总是细心地照顾着他们的小孩. 父母到上海去了,下星期回来,奶奶卧病在床,我要照顾她,英语翻译 英语:正如某某商标所说,怎么翻译成英文? “正如谚语所说,“笑是最好的良药.””的英文翻译? 读书能够启迪我们的智慧,正如歌德所说[ ]