谁能帮我看一下我写的这篇雅思作文能有几分?The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree?  In modern society, more and more people think that

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 20:36:25

谁能帮我看一下我写的这篇雅思作文能有几分?The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree?  In modern society, more and more people think that
The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree?
  In modern society, more and more people think that the university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. However there’s also a lot of people do not agree with them. In my opinion, the university provide student more practical training is very necessary.
  First, when people come to university, most of them is more than 18 years old, so they have ability to teach-self. That means student can learn theoretical knowledge mainly by self-teaching rather than by lessons.
  Second, in modern society, the practical ability is becoming more and more important. But in school, students rarely have chance to practice themselves. The most of their life is compare with lots of books rather than practical training. Therefore when graduating from university, many students find them can not adapt social working requirement. That makes them frustrated. If this situation happens, it’ll be the failure of high education of the university.
  Third, the target of high education is to bring up person with ability for society. The ability can be understood in two points: one is theoretical ability, the other is practical ability. As a result, the practical training is also a very import part in high education. Many universities gradually know that practical training is necessary but most of universities do not make enough effort or even give enough attention to this main task. Thus they could not really complete their duty.
  So I agree that should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training.

谁能帮我看一下我写的这篇雅思作文能有几分?The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree?  In modern society, more and more people think that

谁能帮我看一下我写的这篇雅思作文能有几分?The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree?  In modern society, more and more people think that 雅思我小作文写的还好,但没够字数,大作文写跑题了,我能有几分?6分有可能么 雅思小作文没写完,大作文写完了 总共能得几分?我的小作文写了大概70字,只将将把图表给描述了一下,没有联系对比和结尾。 大家帮我评价一下这篇作文几分60分的作文可以得几分 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env 过了英语专八 考雅思看什么书比较好 大约能考几分新航道的雅思345与678有什么区别?这本书好么?是不适合我 麻烦谁能帮我看一下这篇雅思小作文?这是我自己在家里写的一篇雅思小作文——剑5 TEST 2,WRITING TASK 1.第一次写这篇时完全逻辑不清,后来稍微看了范文才恍然过来,就修改了一下.The bar charts bey 谁能帮我看下雅思作文!谢谢大神们,这篇大概能得几分?题目:The time and money spent on the protection of wild animals should be spent on improving human lives instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?我的文章:Nowad 作文评价,我写的好不好.满分30有几分 请帮我看一下这篇雅思作文能评几分,Some people insist the belief in which the popular saying 'Spare the rod,spoil the child.' conveys.Others think beating misbehaving kids with any kind of instrument is inhumane and cruel,and doing so w 雅思作文问题好怕第二个大作文,好怕到时没思路不知道写什么啊..有什么好的建议嘛..话说:如果写不够字数能拿到几分.我只想雅思作文不要低于4.5最好5分就好了.但就怕写不够字数(遇到 雅思偏题了有几分?作文题目是假如警察佩戴枪,是否会提升暴力事件的发生.我理解成了提升安全等级,写偏题了,写成警察佩戴枪,会提高安全性减少犯罪率.这样有几分? 雅思小作文写了100多字,明显不够,但我我题目中的数据都写了,结构句式都还不错.大概能有几分?字数不够影响大么? 雅思作文一定要按模板写吗?有一个同学在准备考雅思(已经考过两次),也参加了一些辅导班。现在,她让我帮她看一下作文。我看她的作文写得不错,但几乎所有作文格式都一样:第一段 雅思小作文没写好 大作文跑题 作文能得几分2013 9月7的雅思 让很多烤鸭欲哭无泪.我小作文没写好 大作文跑题.还有希望得五分么.大作文前面两段还可以.后面就开始云里雾里.另外就是我看了 雅思作文偏题,能得几分?9月13日,我把大作文的前一半写成了为什么环保重要,后一半写个人应该干什么没问题.小作文写得也还好.那我究竟能不能有5分啊? 能轻松听懂voa慢速英语,雅思听力能得几分?谢谢二位的回复。我就是想让别人给我估一下,大约能得几分。 雅思小作文没写完能得几分啊我今年高二 11年6月11日在昆明考的A类雅思 平时英语不错 底子好都是年级第一 在考作文时我先写的大作文 写完了感觉还行 但是小作文没写完 只写了开头 和抓