[英]帮我写篇文章,不少于150个词(100分)在线等!Shopping is an important part of people’s life.Write an essay of about 150 words on “Shopping”,making reference to the following points:1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:32:48

[英]帮我写篇文章,不少于150个词(100分)在线等!Shopping is an important part of people’s life.Write an essay of about 150 words on “Shopping”,making reference to the following points:1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2.
Shopping is an important part of people’s life.
Write an essay of about 150 words on “Shopping”,making reference to the following points:

[英]帮我写篇文章,不少于150个词(100分)在线等!Shopping is an important part of people’s life.Write an essay of about 150 words on “Shopping”,making reference to the following points:1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2.
Shopping can be done in various places,such as department stores,supermarkets and flea markets.Department stores provide comfortable shopping environment and a wide range of high-end merchandize.So you can always find expensive jewelry,quality wine and delicate art works there.Supermarkets,on the other hand,mainly offer articles for daily usage,including food,clothes and appliances.The price level is usually between those of department stores and flea markets.
Of these three kinds,I like to shop in flea markets the most,not only because of the high possibility of getting a bargain,but also because walking down the narrow aisle packed with people and strolling in numerous little shops is like a fun adventure filled with surprises.The noise and troublesome process of bargaining in the flea markets may discourage some people,but I'm willing to pay this small price to get the goods I want.
In conclusion,people shop in different kinds of places according to their own preferences.For me,I like to shop in flea markets because of the fun shopping experience that I can't get anywhere else.

Shopping is an important part of people's life. Without shopping, we can almost do nothing. We have nothing to eat, we have nothing to dress, and we have nothing to do in all parts of the life. People...


Shopping is an important part of people's life. Without shopping, we can almost do nothing. We have nothing to eat, we have nothing to dress, and we have nothing to do in all parts of the life. People usually do shopping in the supermarkets, shopping malls, department store and so on. But I like doing shopping in supermarkets.It is a very convenient way of shopping because you can choose the product you want from a large range and you have the possiblity to get to know the new products. You are served in a very polite way and no one makes you hurry because other shoppers are waiting behind you. The variety of goods is so great that you are given time to decide what to choose. Supermarkets can be called "the all in one shop" because they offer products of every kind. There are departments specializing in: food for people and pets, clothes, tools, books and magazines, electronic equipment, souvenirs and many other. It is not only high - quality assortment that attracts people but also its lighting of high intensity and its clean and hygienic atmosphere with, as I mentioned before, the possiblity to do all your shopping in one store.


[英]帮我写篇文章,不少于150个词(100分)在线等!Shopping is an important part of people’s life.Write an essay of about 150 words on “Shopping”,making reference to the following points:1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2. 七年级英语口语竞赛谁帮我写几篇文章,短点,80个单词以上,120个一下 我想做回自己 写篇文章,谁帮我. 有没有英语高手,帮我写篇文章~ 谁能帮我写篇文章 以我心目中的交通安全写以篇文章不少于400字题目自定急! 怎样写关于谁和谁好的作文?(早恋)老班封杀班内早恋问题,求各位帮我写篇文章好吗?1个小时内回答 写文章的人有哪些那个帮我写篇文章 帮个忙,谁的文笔好帮我以“我的无烟童年”为话题写篇文章 请大家帮我写以“玉不琢,不成器”为题的作文,不少于400个字谢谢400字 求大神帮我写一篇以My country命名的英语作文(不少于40个单词).【跪求大神】 帮我写一篇 以 should cell-phones be brought into shool为题的英语作文,不少于100个单词 请各位高人帮我算下我2010年6月的CET-4的分听力:对话及短文对了10个听写对了5个单词仔细阅读:选词填空对了6个两篇文章对了4个完形填空:对了15个翻译:对了4个快速阅读:对了8个作文写 帮我写一篇动物寓言,不少于400字! 帮我写篇文章“给自己锁定一个高目标”,抄的也行 随笔可以写什么啊!帮我找篇文章400字左右 If your friends English is weak帮我写篇文章80 字左右 - 谁能以【 盼得伊人 · 终憔悴 】帮我写篇文章或诗?