
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:02:05


Americans are more straight forward and Chinese are trend to be roundabout.
Amercians care more about themselves and Chinese take care of each other.
Americans obey rules and Chinese ignore rules.

Collectivism: generally speaking, China and other Asian culture reflects the social scientists called "collectivism" orientation. These cultural comparison pay attention to group cooperation and perso...


Collectivism: generally speaking, China and other Asian culture reflects the social scientists called "collectivism" orientation. These cultural comparison pay attention to group cooperation and personal humility.
ndividualism: instead, westerners often shows a personal socialist orientation. They attach more importance to independence. If not a self realization expectations, but at least the more easy to be accepted by people. Westerners pay more attention from external constraints of the "free".
Social relationships: Chinese social relationships than westerners more formal, more trenchant level. The Chinese seem to be very used to rank the structure of the clear, they can be based on the structure of their position and practice to determine its behavior. Westerners are more focused on the informal peace to the relationship. Westerners often and social status the same people together the most comfortable; They don't pay attention to social level.
Friendship: compared with westerners, the Chinese people are more likely to have a few hankering for life into, they each other profound friendship, willing to provide each other any form of help. Westerners may have many friends and acquaintances, these friends and acquaintances with the passage of time and transform, between each other commitments limited.


Love me love my dog. 爱屋及乌
The fox mourns the death of the hare.兔死狐悲
All rivers run into sea.海纳百川

中西文化的差异,用英语写三条 中西文化有差异 用英文怎么说.中西文化有差异 这句话,用准确的英文怎么说. 中西文化的差异及其产生的原因 中西文化在哲学方面的差异是什么 中西文化有哪些差异 能用英语介绍下中西文化的差异,最好能从文化(饮食,宗教,风俗,经济)等方面介绍.多多益善阿.. 中西文化在道德观念上面的差异是什么? 中西文化典型差异例子 要典型的例子 通俗易懂的 谢谢 中西文化在娱乐消费方面差异的文章,中英文皆可,英文佳 求中西文化不能融合的理由球中西文化不能融合的理由急辩论赛要用 中西文化的区别是什么? 推荐一些与中西文化差异有关的幽默英语小短文也不一定有差异啦!就是和中西文化有关的幽默短文,上课用,可以作learn and report,不用很长,大一年级用(当然是水平不太高的人用),要是还能在 英语翻译跨文化交际中因为中西文化的差异导致翻译成汉语的英语词义与原汉语的词义有出入,请问有没有同胞可以提供一些? 英语作文 给笔友写一封信,关于中西文化的差异比如传统节日,饮食习俗,社交礼仪,教育学习等,可以运用比较式.还有写出自己对这些差异的感受,看法,比较.词数不用太多,大概80以上就可以了是 我们之间的差异用英语怎么说 以下是我国同西方国家在赠送礼物时不同的禁忌.请阅读后研究了解中西文化其他方面的差异.至少列举三个 求英语作文120词左右,内容是关于英语课上你希望学到什么What I desire to learn from an English text比如口头表达能力,了解中西文化的差异,对大学毕业后工作方面有用的,实用的等等 中西文化在人与人、人与社会关系的差异请分别阐述 中国 和 西方 文化 在 人与人、人与社会 上关系 的差异 急用 、、